1/10/2021 Fw: Public Law Urgent Action Vote: Email reply

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Albert Shroyer
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1/10/2021 Fw: Public Law Urgent Action Vote: Email reply

Post by Albert Shroyer »

waynewcalifornia <waynewcalifornia@protonmail.com>

AttachmentsJan 10, 2021, 11:25 AM


Only Citizens can vote on this.
If you want to be included in future interstate voting, become a citizen!
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Saturday, January 9, 2021 10:22 AM, <waynewcalifornia@protonmail.com> wrote:

>> Subject: Public Law Urgent Action Vote
>> Californians,
>> Attached Public Law is an urgent action item.
>> By Roll Call Email Vote of The United States of America in Assembly
>> This email is a final enrollment of concurring votes from the State Assemblies and shall continue in force and be placed upon our Federal Record as Public Law A1010121.
>> Your Action:
>> Yes vote - Is counted yes to this email.
>> Abstain vote -Is by not replying or by replying abstain.
>> No vote – Is a reply with No to this email.
>> The California Assembly will end our voting at 12:00 midnight January 12, 2021 to provide our results to The United States of America in Assembly.
>> The tally of votes will be brought to the Citizens/National business meeting on the 13th 6:00 pm 2021.
>> for further clarification:
>> If you are a State Citizen:
>> Yes. Vote: You agree as a California Citizen with annas document. Approve.
>> No. Vote: You do not agree as a California Citizen. Disapprove
>> You do not agree with annas document.
>> or Abstain: counted by not replying to this email.
>> It is a system of social controls and has nothing to do with protecting you. Rather you will be branded like cattle to show legal ownership, your DNA will be modified just like GMO’s and a patent placed on you. The birth certificate fraud is well known, and a new system was designed.
>> Additionally, future removal of heirloom seeds making them illegal and fines imposed for interfering with their property. If that is a concern to you...that you would be forced (or maybe your children be forced) to take an injectable against your will, then you are going to want to see this website, https://www.thriveon.com/media/covert-19 to learn the truths not being revealed.
>> Additional information can be located at https://www.thriveon.com/media/covert-19 Gross trespass upon the people is occurring. This device is evil. Write the word backwards and you will see live.
>> Thank you,
>> Wayne on California
>> ***********************************************
>> From: Anna von Reitz <avannavon@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2020 5:23 PM
>> Subject: Urgent Business for the Assemblies
>> My suspicions have been confirmed in spades.
>> The Vermin are attempting to use patented genetic material, secretively inserted via vaccination, as an excuse to claim ownership of living men and women as Genetically Modified Organisms --- GMO's.
>> The loophole in their "laws" permitting this has to be closed and the commercial motivations underlying this shameful behavior have to be squelched as soon as possible.
>> I think everyone will agree that this is another "No Brainer" and that any reasonable man or woman interested in preserving their own identity and their rights should be deeply concerned about this whole situation and should take action in support of Public Law A1010121.
>> Please let everyone know the background and the urgency of stomping the GMO loophole flat.
>> Kind Regards,
>> by: Wayne Whomsley© All Rights Reserved
>> California Coordinator
>> The American States Assembly
>> https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/
>> Sign In America
>> https://signinamerica.com/
>> Living Testimony
>> I am an American, with inherited sovereignty
>> I was born on American soil.
>> This private email message, including any attachment(s), CC's, BCC's, or REPLIES are covered under this NOTICE and is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain Privileged and/or Confidential PRIVATE Information. Any and All Political, Private or Public Entities, Federal, State, or Local Corporate Government(s), Municipality(ies), International Organization(s), Corporation(s), Live Individual(s), person(s), agent(s), investigator(s), or informant(s), et al., and/or Third Party(ies) working in collusion by collecting, observing, monitoring, and/or analyzing My email(s), using any means of spying and/or data collection is PROHIBITED. Without my Exclusive WRITTEN Permission all communications, herein, are PRIVATE. In De Jure Freedom WITH ALMIGHTY GOD.
>> Any omission(s) not specifically enumerated, herein, cannot be construed as permission by default; This notice prohibits Any and All Unauthorized Review, Use, Disclosure, or Distribution, verbally, or otherwise; With Explicit Reservation of All My Rights, Without Prejudice and Without Recourse to Me.
>> Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or ALL Intellectual Property Rights or Reserved Rights!
Public Law A1010121.docx
Public Law A1010121.docx
125.16 KiB - Downloaded 143 times
citizens- national Assembly member zoom.pdf
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